Each age group has open tryouts. New players are encouraged to try out. Players should attend both sessions Please register by clicking on the "Registration" tab (left)
4th Grade Girls – Wednesday 10/16 6-7:30 BROWN and Tuesday 10/22 6-7:30 BROWN
4th Grade Boys – Wednesday 10/16 6-7:30 FESSENDEN and Monday 10/21 FESSENDEN 6-7:30
5th Grade Girls – Thursday 10/17 BROWN 6-7:30 and Thursday 10/24 FESSENDEN 6-7:30
5th Grade Boys – Tuesday 10/15 BROWN 6-7:30 and Wednesday 10/23 BROWN 6-7:30
6th Grade Girls – Monday 10/21 BROWN 6-7:30 and Thursday 10/24 BROWN 7:30-9
6th Grade Boys – Thursday 10/17 FESSENDEN 6-7:30 and Wednesday 10/23 FESSENDEN 6-7:30
7th Grade Girls – Wednesday 10/16 BROWN 7:30-9 and Tuesday 10/22 BROWN 7:30-9
7th Grade Boys – Thursday 10/17 BROWN 7:30-9 and Wednesday 10/23 BROWN 7:30-9
8th Grade Girls – Tuesday 10/15 BROWN 7:30-9 and Tuesday 10/22 FESSENDEN 6-7:30
8th Grade Boys – Monday 10/21 BROWN 7:30-9 and Thursday 10/24 BROWN 6-7:30
All Brown tryouts are at the Brown Middle School gym. 125 Meadowbrook Road, Newton. Players for 7:30 tryouts should remain in the corridor until the 6:00 tryout has been completed.
All Fessenden tryouts are at the Fessenden School, 250 Waltham Street, Newton in the Pallotta Athletic Center (near soccer fields and tennis). Players should stay off the court until their assigned time and leave immediately thereafter.
Tuesday 10/15 – BROWN 6: 5th Boys BROWN: 7:30: 8th Girls FESS 6-7:30: open/not in use
Wed 10/16 – BROWN 6: 4th Girls BROWN 7:30 7th Girls FESS: 6-7:30: 4th Boys
Thurs 10/17 - BROWN 6: 5th Girls BROWN 7:30: 7th Boys FESS 6-7:30: 6th Boys
Mon 10/21 - BROWN 6: 6th Girls BROWN 7:30: 8th Boys FESS 6-7:30: 4th Boys
Tuesday 10/22 - BROWN 6: 4th Girls BROWN 7:30: 7th Girls FESS 6-7:30: 8th Girls
Wed 10/23 - BROWN 6: 5th Boys BROWN 7:30: 7th Boys FESS 6-7:30: 6th Boys
Thurs 10/24 - BROWN 6: 8th Boys BROWN 7:30: 6th Girls FESS 6-7:30: 5th Girls
You must register before tryouts -- no exceptions!
Registration for next season opens July 1.